Kotsan Uladzimir
Department: of Forest Management
Email: Wolodia250@belstu.by
Email: Wolodia250@belstu.by
Koval Volha
Department: of History of Belarus and political science
Email: sunny_san@rambler.ru
Email: sunny_san@rambler.ru
Kovalenko Natalya
Department: of Physical, Colloid and Analytical Chemistry
Email: kovalenko@belstu.by
Email: kovalenko@belstu.by
Kozel Alexander Vladimirovich
Department: of Forest Protection and Wood Science
Email: kozel@belstu.by
Email: kozel@belstu.by
Kozhenets Tatyana
Department: of Intercultural Communication and Technical Translation
Email: kozhenets@belstu.by
Email: kozhenets@belstu.by
Kozhych Natalya
Department: of Philosiphy and Law
Email: kogich@belstu.by
Email: kogich@belstu.by