
Belarusian State
Technological University
Personal pages
Total: 386
Maskalchuk Leanid
Department: of forestry
Email: lnm@belstu.by
Matusevich Olga
Department: of Philosiphy and Law
Email: matusevich@belstu.by
Matys Vladimir
Department: of Chemistry, Technology of Electrochemical Production and Electronic Engineering Materials
Email: vmatys@belstu.by
Mazanik Natallia
Department: of Woodworking Technology
Email: nata.mazanik@mail.ru
Meshheryakova Yelena
Department: of Management, Business Technologies and Sustainable Development
Email: mescheryakova@belstu.by
Mikhailau Valery
Department: of automation of production process and electrical engineering
Email: V.Mihaylov@belstu.by