
Belarusian State
Technological University
Personal pages
Total: 386
Rudak Pavel
Department: of Material Science and Engineering of Technical Systems
Email: RudakPV@belstu.by, puma.legno@inbox.ru
Rusak Volha
Department: of the belarusian philology
Email: rusak@belstu.by
Rykhlitskaya Anastasiya
Department: of Economics and Marketing
Email: a.ryhlickaya@belstu.by
Ryzhankov Igor
Department: of History of Belarus and Political Science
Email: im@belstu.by
Ryzhankova Nastassia
Department: of Editing and Publishing Technology
Email: ryzhankova87@gmail.com
Sabadaha Elena
Department: of Polymer Сomposite Materials
Email: elenasabadaha@mail.ru