
Belarusian State
Technological University
Personal pages
Total: 386
Shitchkova Tatiana
Department: of Physical, Colloid and Analytical Chemistry
Email: shichkova@belstu.by
Shmakov Mikhail
Department: of printing equipment and information processing systems
Email: Shmakov@belstu.by
Shpakouski Yury
Department: of Editing and Publishing Technology
Email: shpakouski@belstu.by
Shpanovskaya Svetlana
Department: of Intercultutal Communication and Technical Translationsilviculture
Email: shpanovskaya@belstu.by
Shrubok Alexandra Olegovna
Department: of Oil and Gas Processing and Petroleum Chemistry
Email: shrubok@belstu.by
Shtukin Sergey
Department: of forestry
Email: hss@belstu.by