
Belarusian State
Technological University
Personal pages
Total: 400
Yachnaya Tatyana
Department: of Intercultural Communication and Technical Tanslation
Email: yachnaya@belstu.by
Yakimau Mikalai
Department: Forest Plantations and Soil Science
Email: Yakimov@belstu.by
Yakimenka Andrei
Department: of Higher Mathematics
Email: yakimenko@belstu.by
Yanovich Sierhey
Department: of Higher Mathematics
Email: yanovichs@belstu.by
Yanushkevich Anton
Department: of Woodworking Technology
Email: yanushkevich_a_a@belstu.by
Yarmalovich Vasilii
Department: of Forest Protection and Wood Science
Email: yarm@belstu.by