
Belarusian State
Technological University
Baranovski Stanislav

Baranovski Stanislav

Head of the Department of Economics and Marketing, Doctor of Economics, Professor


Department of Economics and Marketing

Contact details



?Sverdlova St. 13a, 302a-3a

Research interests:

1) the formation and development of corporate structures;

2) improvement of marketing mix offectiveness;

3) the formation of marketing and logistics systems;

4) marketing research.


Economic Theory, Microeconomics, International Marketing, Theory of industrial markets.

List of publications:?

1)?S.I. Baranowski, S.V. Shishlo, W. Usevich, J. Androsik, M. Misteiko, W. Tanas. Formation mechanism of logistic Research and Applications. – №.2 – United Kingdom, 2015.

2)?S.I. Baranowski, S.V. Shishlo, W. Usevich, J. Androsik, M. Misteiko, W. Tanas, M. Szymanek. Formation mechanism of logistic cluster Belarus // Agriculture and Agriculture Science Procodia 7 (2015). 12–20.

3)?S.I. Baranowski, S.V. Shishlo, W. Tanas. Directions of improvement of the logistic systems in the forest complex of Belarus // Econtechmod. An international quartered Journal. – 2014, vol.3 №.1. 3–10.

4)?S.I. Baranowski, S.V. Shishlo, W. Tanas, M. Szymanek Directions of improvement of the logistic systems in the forest complex // Bothalia Journal of Botanical and use sciences research/ – Pretoria, South Africa. May 2014. Vol. 144, №.5 – p. 217-229.

5)?S.I. Baranowski, S.V. Shishlo, W. Tanas, M. Szymanek. Directions of the forest complex of Belarus // Journal of research and applications in agricultural engineering. – Poznan, 2013, vol. 59(2) – S.6.–12.

6)?Improving the mechanism of creation of corporate structures in chemical-forestry complex // Proceedings BSTU. 2011. – №7: Economics and Management. – P. 170–173.

7)?Features of marketing management at the enterprises of the chemical-forestry complex // Proceedings BSTU. 2010. – №7: Economics and Management. – P. 50–53.