
Belarusian State
Technological University
Bogdan Ekaterina


Ekaterina Bogdan

Associate Professor, PhD


Department of Physical, Colloid and Analytical Chemistry

Contact details

?+375 17 327 30 24

?bogdan@belstu.by, Bohdan_Ekaterina@mail.ru

?Sverdlova St. 13a, 504-3a

Research interests

Development and research of ceramic materials for construction and technical purposes.


  • Physical and Colloid Chemistry
  • Physical Chemistry
  • Surface Phenomenon and Disperse Systems

List of publications

  • Levitskii, I. A. Opacification of Glazes for Household Majolica / Levitskii I. A.,? Baranceva S.E., Pozniak A. I., Bogdan E.O. // Glass and Ceramics. – 2016. – Vol. 73, Issue 5–6. –Р. 222–226.
  • Levitskii, I. A. Use of electroplating sludge for ceramic brick manufacture / I. A. Levitskii, Yu. G. Pavlyukevich, E. O. Bogdan, O. V. Kichkailo // Glass and Ceramics. – 2013. – Vol. 70, № 3–4. – Pp. 83–88.
  • Levitskii, I. A. Production of Keramzit Gravel Using Galvanic Sludge / I. A. Levitskii, Yu. G. Pavlyukevich, E. O. Bogdan, O. V. Kichkailo // Glass and Ceramics. – 2013. – Vol. 70, № 7–8. – Pp. 255–259.
  • Patents № 17562 BY, № 12106 BY, № 10483 BY. 17562 BY.