
Belarusian State
Technological University
Vlas Volobuev


Volobuev Vlas

Philosophy Doctor (Physical and Mathematical Sciences),?Senior Lecturer


Department of Physical-Chemical Methods of Products Certification

Contact details

?8 (017) 327 74 32


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 213a-3a

Research interests:

Volobuev Vlas S. in 2009 graduated from the Physics Department of the Belarusian State University on a specialty "Physicist. Researcher". Since 2010, he worked as a researcher at the department of physics of semiconductors and nanoelectronics physical BSU. Since 2012 active in the department of physical and chemical methods of certification of products at the Belarusian State Technological University as a senior lecturer.

In 2013, he successfully defended his thesis "The structural, electronic transport and optical properties of polyethylene terephthalate films and photoresist implatnirovannyh magnetic ions (Fe +, Ni +) and non-magnetic (Sb +, Ag +) of metals." The research results presented in the thesis are used within GKPNI "Electronics" project № 698/06 ?Develop functional elements of micro and nanoelectronics based metal composite materials (semiconductor) polymers (glass)." Successfully participated as head BRFFR grants:

- "Synthesis and study of electrical properties of metal-polymer nanocomposites on both sides of the insulator-metal transition";

- "Structural, optical and electrical properties of nanocomposites photoresist".

A total of 63 published scientific works, presented papers at international and national scientific conferences. To date, in collaboration with colleagues of the department he has developed a series of lectures on the subject "Qualimetry and quality management" faculty of technology of organic substances BSTU specialty "Physical and chemical methods and quality control instruments of production." He is a certified winner of the international online competition "The Best Young Scientist" (St. Petersburg, 2010).??


Quality assessment, certification, qualimetry, ion implantation, structural, electronic transport and optical properties of materials and composites, nanostructured materials and methods of their study, and electro-optical inspection techniques Products.

List of publications:?

  • Magnetoresistive Effect in PET Films with Iron Nanoparticles Synthesized by Ion Implantation. The Open Applied Physics Journal. 2009, 2. p. 1-4.
  • Modification of the structure and properties of the polymer implant metal ions. Lambert Academic Publishing ISBN: 978-3-659-81939-1. 2015 52.