
Belarusian State
Technological University
Yudenkov Victor

Yudenkov Victor

Assistant Professor, associate Professor of the Department


Department of printing equipment and information processing systems

Contact details

?8 (017) 327 67 41??


?Sverdlova St. 13a,?4а – 4


List of publications:?

  1. Sulim, P., Yudenkov, V. Hardware and software of the risograph printing intelligent module on the basis of model operation. Procceding of the 5th Intern. Scientific Conf. / P. Sulim, V. Yudenkov. – Chemnitz: Printing Future Days, 2013. – P. 355 – 366.
  2. Сулим, П. Е., Юденков, В. С. Improvement of the printing quality on a risograph on the basis of the adaptive screening method Procceding of the 6th Intern. Scientific Conf. / П. Е. Сулим, В. С. Юденков. – Chemnitz: Printing Future Days, 2015. – P. 109 – 116 (article).