
Belarusian State
Technological University
Zhylinsky Valery

Zhilinskiy Valeriy

Associate Professor of


Department of Chemistry, Technology of Electrochemical Production and Electronic Engineering Materials

Contact details

?8 (017) 226 02 82


?Sverdlova St. 13a, 403-3a

Research interests:

  • Electrochemical synthesis of nanostructured anodic alumina films
  • Synthesis and investigation of electroplatings to improve the wood-cutting tool
  • Synthesis and electrochemical modification of carbon nano-size materials and their composites for supercapacitors
  • Formation of multicomponent matrix metal oxide films for gas sensors


  • Chemistry of alloys
  • Corrosion and protection of metals
  • Chemical batteries
  • Electrochemical treatment of water
  • General and inorganic chemistry

List of publications:?

  • Formation of multicomponent matrix metal oxide films in anodic alumina matrixes by chemical deposition/ G G Gorokh, A I Zakhlebayeva, A I Metla, V V Zhilinskiy, A N Murashkevich and N V Bogomazova // J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. – 2017. – Vol. 917, N. 9. – Р. 362-367.
  • Influence of high energy treatment on wear of edges knives of wood-cutting tools/ V. Chayeuski, V. Zhylinski, A. Grishkevich,?? P. Rudak, S. Barcik // MM Science Journal. -2016. – N.12. – Р. 1519-1523.
  • Morphology and optical properties of aluminum oxide formed into oxalic electrolyte with addition surface active agents / B. Kazarkin, A. Stsiapanau, V. Zhilinski, A. Chernik, V. Bezborodov, G. Kozak, S. Danilovich, A Smirnov// J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. – 2016. – Vol. 741, N. 1. – Р. 558-561.
  • Design and application of anisotropic nanostructured conductive and alignment coatings / V. Zhylinski [et al.] / Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. – 2015. – Vol. 609, N. 3. – P 129-134.
  • Design of Structured Surfaces and Anisotropic Materials for Display and Photonic Applications / V. Bezborodov, V. Zhylinski, A. Chernik, N. Bogomazova, I. Zharski, A. Smirnov, A. Stsiapanau, V. Lapanik, S. Mi-khalyonok / Society for information display. SID Symposium Digest of Technical papers. Proceedings: Eurodisplay 2015. – 2015. – Vol. 46 , Iss. 1. – P.93-97.
  • Pulse-reverse treatment of carbon nanomaterials for the electrochemical storage of energy / V.V. Zhylinski, V.B. Drozdovich, S.A. Zhdanok, A.V. Krauklis, I.M. Zharski/ J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. . – 2011. – Vol. 291, N. 1. – 012024
  • Physical and mechanical properties of alloy coatings Ni-P / Zhylinski V.V., Chayeuski V.V. / Science – Future of Lithuania. – Vilnius - 2015 -Vol. 7, N. 6. - P. 27-31.
  • Precipitation of abrasion resistant Fe-Ni alloy coatings from sulfate electrolytes / Kubrak P. B., Zhylinski V.V., Chayeuski V.V. / Proceedings of BSTU: Chemistry and technology of inorganic substances. – Minsk – 2014? – Vol. 3. - P. 44-45.
  • Formation of nanostructured aluminum mesh for display applications / V. Zhylinski [et al.] / International Conference ?Nanomeeting-2015. – Singapore: Word Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2015. – P. 560-563.
  • Design and application of nanostructured anisotropic materials, conductive and alignment coatings for displays and photonic devices / V. Bezborodov, S. Mikhalyonok, N. Kuz’menok, A. Chernik, V. Zhylinski, I. Zharski , A. Smirnov, A. Stsiapanau, V. Lapanik, G. Sasnouski / International Conference ?Nanomeeting-2015. – Singapore: Word Scientific Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2015. – P. 578-583.