
Belarusian State
Technological University
Delegation of Wuhan Textile University Visits BSTU



On October 1, 2024 a delegation of Wuhan Textile University (China) and Zhejiang Pinnuo Machinery Co. Ltd. (China) visited Belarusian State Technological University.

During the talks with BSTU Rector Ihar Voitau, the delegation expressed their unfeigned interest in education and research cooperation in the field of machine building and chemical technology.



BSTU and Zhejiang Pinnuo Machinery Co. Ltd. Signed a Cooperation Agreement for research into cutting tool reinforcing. The parties also discussed possible cooperation in the field of ball bearings production. BSTU will also train Master’s Degree students from Wuhan Textile University.


Upon the talks, the guests were given a short university tour which included:

- exhibition of research developments of BSTU scientists;

- wood library (xylotheque);

- educational, scientific and production centre for glass and ceramics;

- classrooms and laboratories of the Department of Polymer Composite Materials and the Departments of Mechanics and Engineering.



Published: 06.12.2024