The Faculty of Extramural Studies of Belarusian State Technological University provides a unique opportunity for people of different ages to enhance their professional capacity as well as to enter a new career field. For the last 15 years, about 9,000 graduates of the faculty have received an engineering degree, making them highly competitive in the national and international labour markets.
On-the-job training of specialists has been organized at BSTU since 1949 in three specialties: ?Forestry?, ?Forest engineering?, ?Mechanical technology of wood?. The first graduation of specialists with higher education of Extramural Studies took place in 1955. In the late 1950s, the faculty became the center of Extramural Studies in forestry specialties in the western part of the USSR, covering Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, certain regions of Ukraine and the RSFSR. In total, over the years of its existence, over 20,000 specialists have been trained at the Faculty of Extramural Studies for forestry, forest engineering, woodworking, pulp and paper, chemical, petrochemical, wood-chemical, microbiological, printing industries, mechanical engineering, standardization and certification systems, the real estate market, and the building materials industry and etc. Currently, the Faculty of Extramural Studies is the most numerous at BSTU. More than 1900 students study at the faculty in 13 specialties at the first stage and more than 90 undergraduates in 30 specialties at the second stage of higher education. In recent years, the faculty has increased the number of students - citizens of foreign countries. Among foreign students are representatives of Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, Russia and other countries. Academic and pedagogical activities of the faculty are carried out by 48 departments of the University and 628 lecturers, 75% of them having scientific degrees and ranks.
On the basis of secondary specialized education for graduates of specialized colleges, the Faculty of Extramural Studies trains specialists in 10 specializations with a shortened period of study according to integrated curricula. Since 2019, a joint educational program has been conducted with the Tashkent Institute of Chemical Technology in 4 undergraduate specialties. More than 40 people with higher education are studying at the university in extramural form to receive the second and subsequent specialties. The faculty also trains specialists in the second stage of higher education (master’s degree), which is an integral part of the system of continuous training of qualified personnel with higher education and includes the deepening of general scientific knowledge and knowledge in the chosen branch of science, the implementation of scientific research on relevant topics, training and defense of the master’s thesis. Students of the Faculty of Extramural Studies receive modern knowledge, including the use of information and communication technologies, which allow them to adapt in various areas of their life and be successful people...
One of the worthy representatives of our graduates (2004) is Roman Fedorovich Grishkovets, the head (from 2011 to the present) of the foreign trade and production unitary enterprise? Stanles?, which produces cabinet furniture from oak wood. Having started his career in the furniture industry at the end of 1997, he went from being a trainee of a woodworking machine operator to the head of one of the most modern woodworking industries in the Republic of Belarus. Deservedly and more than once he was awarded the honorary titles - ?Person of the Year? in the city of Pinsk (2016, 2018, 2019, 2021) and ?Person of the Year of the Brest Region? in 2016 and 2020. The enterprise headed by him was entered on the city Board of Honor three times, and in 2018 - on the ?Honor Board? of the Brest region, as an enterprise that took first place among industrial enterprises and enterprises of the fuel and energy complex. In 2021, the?Scandi? furniture collection was recognized and included in the list of ?Best Goods of the Republic of Belarus - 2021? in the nomination ?Industrial goods for the population and handicrafts?. In 2016-2020 the enterprise successfully implemented the investment project “Development of furniture production of the foreign unitary enterprise “Stanles”, which allowed to increase production volumes by 6 times.