
Belarusian State
Technological University
Personal pages
Total: 386
Leontiev Viktor
Department: of Biotechnology
Email: leontiev@belstu.by
Leudanski Eduard
Department: of machines and apparatus for chemical and silicate production
Email: e_levdanski@belstu.by
Levitskii Ivan
Department: of Glass and Ceramics Technology
Email: keramika@belstu.by, levitskii@belstu.by
Lialko Andrei
Department: of automation of production process and electrical engineering
Email: andrei.lylko@gmail.com
Liubetskaya Tatsiana
Department: of Higher Mathematics
Email: liubetskaya@belstu.by
Los Alexander Mikhailovich
Department: of Material Science and Engineering of Technical Systems
Email: amlos@belstu.by