
Belarusian State
Technological University
Personal pages
Total: 400
Veretikov Igor
Department: of Woodworking Technology
Email: Veretikov_i_i@belstu.by
Vetokhin Siarhei
Department: of Physical and Chemical Methods of Products Certification
Email: serega49@mail.ru
Vialikanava Iryna
Department: of Physical, Colloid and Analytical Chemistry Email: vialikanava@belstu.by, irina.velikanova@gmail.com
Vishnevskiy Konstantin
Department: of Polymer Сomposite Materials
Email: vik@belstu.by
Vlas Volobuev
Department: of Physical and Chemical Methods of Products Certification
Email: vlasname@belstu.by
Vodopianova Tatyana
Department: of Management, Business Technologies and Sustainable Development
Email: vodopjanova@belstu.by