
Belarusian State
Technological University
Personal pages
Total: 400
Berezko Olga
Department: of Landscape Design and Architecture
Email: berezko@belstu.by
Bezborodov Vladimir
Department: of Organic Chemistry
Email: v_bezborodov@belstu.by
Blagodyorova Ekaterina
Department: of Intercultural Communication and Technical Translation
Email: blagodyorova@belstu.by
Blakhin Aliaksey
Department: of Material Science and Engineering of Technical Systems
Email: blakhin@belstu.by
Blintsov Alexander Ivanovich
Department: of Forest Protection and Wood Science
Email: blintsov@belstu.by
Bobkova Ninel
Department: of Glass and Ceramics Technology Department
Email: bobkova@belstu.by