
Belarusian State
Technological University
Personal pages
Total: 400
Batura Volha
Department: of production organization and real estate economics
Email: olga_burdiko@mail.ru
Bavbel Jane
Department: of Logging Machinery, Forest Roads and Timber Production Technology
Email: bavbel-ji@belstu.by, bavbel-ji@mail.ru
Bazhelka Ihar
Department: of Woodworking Technology
Email: bozelko_i_k@belstu.by
Beliaev Valeri
Department: of Printing Equipment and Information Processing Systems
Email: Beliaev@belstu.by
Belsky Syargey
Department: of Material Science and Engineering of Technical Systems
Email: belski@belstu.by
Belyasova Natallia
Department: of Biotechnology
Email: n195404@gmail.com